Customizing Websites & Plugins

Robust Frameworks and CMS's

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Frameworks, Libraries, and Content Management Systems

What to look for in a Content Management System (CMS) and Framework

Your CMS provides the skeleton for your website, and therefore the foundation of your online presence. As more pliant frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation, with libraries like jQuery or React.js, come into their own and grow in popularity, the performance and design gaps between different CMS's shrink. In many ways, this is a good thing. If you have questions, there is a greater likelihood than ever that you can find resources online to address your needs if you are using a popular framework, library, or language, however, there are some hidden benefits to using certain CMS's over others.

With my experience across several different CMS's for clients in variety of spaces, I can help you leverage the strengths of your CMS while mitigating its weaknesses, or help you decide which CMS is right for your needs.

CMS & Framework Experience Highlights


WordPress allows businesses and individuals great flexibility in crafting their online presence. However, one must be wary of the plugin marketplace.


Drupal is a complex CMS. An understanding of the Frontend and Backend is crucial to make the most of this Content Management System.


Concrete5 has a massive array of templates, add-ons, and support available. Some templates require more backend know-how than other CMS's, however.


Bootstrap is phenomenal for responsive design and easy to learn. With numerous resources, including downloadable templates, Bootstrap offers modern, stylish web design.

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