
OOP in Ruby, PHP, & Frontend Development

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Object Oriented Programming

Experience with OOP in Ruby

I am freshly minted on my OOP journey, but confident in my foundations. I work tirelessly to advance my Ruby and Object Oriented Programming knowledge and proficiency.

While most of my work experience is in PHP, I am more comfortable in Ruby. Instead of focusing on a framework like Rails, I work in Ruby, so that I am more fluent in Sinatra, Rails, or any other framework along with Ruby from the ground up. For Frontend Development I am comfortable in HTML/CSS, jQuery, and can write basic JavaScript.

I have also contributed to an app that uses basic JavaScript to make it easier for transit companies to add routes to Google Maps. Adding this data to Google allows for these routes to be listed when a user is looking for directions from one place to another.

Programming Languages


For the last few months, alongside my current position, I have been in an intensive course focused around Ruby and OOP in Ruby. I average 20-30 hours a week on this course, during evenings and weekends. I love using Ruby.


For the last 18 months I have been the 'go-to' web developer where I am employed. Using PHP, I have customized our website's templates, navigation menus, and improved some of our SEO through some custom coding.


HTML & CSS go hand in hand when it comes to Frontend Development. I am well versed in creating beautiful website or modifying existing code in order to update and improve the look, feel, and functionality of websites.


Of course, without action, your website is not very exciting. For that reason, I also am strong in jQuery and can write basic JavaScript to add that certain js-n'se-quoi to pages, plugins, or features on a website.