
Skills, Work Experience, & Education

Professional Summary

Professional Summary

  • Established best practices for web development team in implementation of Responsive Design for mobile, tablets, and other devices using HTML5, CSS, and Bootstrap.
  • Created custom page templates, menus, block types, and layouts for Concrete5 CMS across site using HTML5, CSS, PHP, Ruby, jQuery, and basic Javascript.
  • Proficient in Object Oriented Programming with Ruby and Ruby best practices
  • Trained web teams on SEO best practices for targeted content.
  • Utilized best practices for SEO and responsive design in all templates, menus, and block types.
  • Wrote and edited custom code (HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery, Ruby, and Javascript).
  • Placed tracking code on sites and tracked significant events for Google
  • Analytics in order to set baseline and chart progress.
  • Enhanced UX and site performance with PHP, jQuery & basic Javascript.
  • Created and embedded smart forms for different target audiences.
  • Implemented Reporting and Analytics foundation to get benchmarks and baselines before starting site improvements.
  • Designed, built, managed, and offered consulting on domestic and international Google AdWords and BingAds campaigns.
  • Implemented landing pages created by vendors contracted for email campaigns to ensure consistent messaging and design.
  • Created site structures for SEO and trained director-level and junior personnel on SEO best practices for content and design.
  • Developed MySQL queries and presentation for reporting suite on API pull data from AdWords, BingAds, and Google Analytics.
  • Led presentations on SEO and SEM client project plans and successes.
  • Recommended target audiences and messaging based on audience size.
  • Managed client accounts and created proposals for client SEO and SEM strategy.
  • Written and analyzed tens of thousands of SEM ads across multiple verticals.
  • Developed an SEM ad analysis report that demonstrates the significance of semantic language audiences and shows which audiences to target.
  • Re-designed site features in UX so that site visitors are funneled through marketing funnel.
  • Engaged in continuous training and practice with UX design and development through Ruby, OOP in Ruby, PHP, jQuery, Javascript, SEO, and Reporting & Analytics.

Dedicated to becoming a great programmer and always learning.

Technical Skills

Languages & Web Development Tools

  • Proficient in: HTML/CSS, Ruby & OOP in Ruby, jQuery, MySQL, Bootstrap framework
  • CMS Proficiency: Responsive Design with WordPress, Concrete5, Drupal, Mura, Squarespace
  • Databases, Software, & Tools: MySQL, MS Office, cPanel, phpMyAdmin, GitHub, Google Analytics, Search Console
  • Digital Marketing: SEO, AdWords, BingAds, Google Analytics
  • Basics of: PHP, JavaScript


St. John's College

Web Developer/SEO & SEM/Admissions Web Presence

April, 2014 - Present

Adworthy, Inc.

Search Engine Marketer/Analyst

October, 2012 - March, 2014

Independent Projects

Learning Programming & Web Development

January, 2011 - Current

The Hertz Corporation

Location Manager I

May, 2011 - May, 2012

Mattress Firm, Inc.

Assistant Store Manager/Competition Manager/Head District Trainer

May, 2009 - February, 2011